We moved my mom over the Harbison Shores about 5 months ago. The is so much better. She talks more and loves the staff. They are great at keeping me informed about her. Best way mom has been since having to be in a facility.
Beat The Heat Back

Baby, it’s cold hot outside-- and inside, too.
June 21st marked the first day of Summer and that means Operation Beat The Heat! Need some tips on how to stay cool during this glorious yet hot time? Don’t sweat it! We’ve got you covered!
Tip #1: DRINK LIKE CRAZY! That’s means drink lots and lots of water! Don’t be afraid to sneak in a nice class of sweet ice tea or lemonade but not too often. If you’re bored of drink regular water, infuse it with fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Maybe try some new refreshing combinations such as cucumber with lemon and orange with mint. Infusing your water is super easy – just slice up what you want to use for flavor, put them in a pitcher with some water and keep it in the fridge. It is important to stay hydrated from the heat to lower chances of sickness, heat stroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and more.
Tip #2: SCREEN IT OUT! Do not go outside without putting some sunscreen on! Sunburns can occur within 15 MINUTES of exposure! Don’t risk the chances of getting burned! Protect yourself and wear a sunscreen that is no less than 30 SPF and apply regularly.
Tip #3: SPRITZ YOURSELF! It may be a good idea to carry a spray bottle filled with cold water with you and give yourself a nice little spritz when you start to feel hot. Spray water over your body’s pulse points like the neck, wrists and temples of your head. This way you can cool down and refresh yourself in the summer heat.
Tip #4: GO LIGHT AND LOOSE! Lose the jeans and sweaters! It’s not winter anymore! Bust out your shorts and tanks! Throw on some sunglasses and a hat too, spice it up! Also, light colors not dark colors. You absorb more heat in dark clothing. Loose cotton and linen will help keep you cool as well. Synthetics will usually make you sweat more so it is best to avoid them. It is key not to attract the heat to you so dress accordingly.
Tip #5: TREAT YOURSELF! What a perfect time to treat yourself to those frozen goodies! Take advantage of the heat and indulge yourself with foods like ice cream, ice pops, frozen yogurt and other icy treats!
Have a great summer!